Tuesday 11 June 2019

Pre-Lesson 1: Eating healthy

Dear my lovely students,

Today, we learned how to group various food according to its type in class

Now see if you can think of more food and put them into correct groups. πŸ’›

πŸ’­Homework 1

CLICK the picture below and enter at least TWO types of food in each group.
[you can upload pictures if you likeπŸ˜‰]

πŸ’­Homework 2

To help yourself with Homework 1, try to learn some new words from the link below:


Sunday 9 June 2019

Lesson 1: My Lunch

πŸ’¬ Activity 1

We have lunch every day, but do you know what students from other countries have for lunch?

Let's find out!

[☝ If you fail to watch the above video, click here☺☺]

πŸ’¬ Activity 2
What did you have for lunch yesterday? Come see mine!

After knowing what I had, now your turn to tell me about your lunch. 

Write 1-2 sentences to describe what you had for lunch yesterday. Give your answers in the comment section of this post.

πŸ’¬ Homework 1
Don't forget quantifiers are your good friend while talking about diets.
Click the picture below and finish the Quizizz exercise
[Game code:081325]

πŸ’¬ Homework 2
Watch the video below and some questions in this link!

Friday 7 June 2019

Lesson 2 - Adjectives and Comparative Adjectives of Quantity (too much/ too many) (more/ less/ fewer)

Dear students,

Let's learn some adjectives to talk about quantity today! Follow the steps below. Have fun!

Activity 1: Watch a video

Watch a video about what the monster, Jojo eats in a day and answer a few questions. Watch it before the lesson via this link.

Activity 2: Interactive slides

Let's talk about Jojo's diet. Open the interactive slides on Pear Deck (link) and answer your teacher's questions.

[for content of the slides: (link)]

Activity 3: Quiz time

Play a game here and see how much you have learnt.

Take a photo of your lunch and upload it here in the Google Slide.

Thursday 6 June 2019

Lesson 3: Reading a report

Hello, everybody! Today, we are going to read a report about healthy eating.
Follow the instructions below and enjoy. πŸ˜ƒ

πŸ’œActivity 1 : Interactive slides

Are you ready for today's lesson?
Click here

πŸ’œActivity 2 : Do the quiz!

Let's see what well you have learned. Complete the Google form belowπŸ‘‡ in 5 minutes.

πŸ’œActivity 3 : Interactive slides

It's time to read a report and find out its features.😝

πŸ’œActivity 4 : Extended learning

Watch the video at home and get more ideas for your writing.πŸ‘€


Take a photo of your lunch and upload it here in the Google Slide.

Wednesday 5 June 2019

Lesson 4 - Writing: Lunch advice

In groups of four, pick one classmate’s lunch on the Google Slide. Make use of what you have learnt in the previous lessons, describe and write an advice for your classmate in 80 words in a Google Doc.

The following questions may help you:

  • Whose lunch is this?
  • How would you describe his/her lunch? (healthy? unhealthy? tasty?)
  • What is in his/ her lunch? (a lot of/ some/ little/ few/ too much/ too many)
  • What should he/ she eat more / less / fewer?

Lastly, Paste the link of your Google doc in the comment section below. You can also look at your classmates' writing.