Sunday 9 June 2019

Lesson 1: My Lunch

💬 Activity 1

We have lunch every day, but do you know what students from other countries have for lunch?

Let's find out!

[☝ If you fail to watch the above video, click here☺☺]

💬 Activity 2
What did you have for lunch yesterday? Come see mine!

After knowing what I had, now your turn to tell me about your lunch. 

Write 1-2 sentences to describe what you had for lunch yesterday. Give your answers in the comment section of this post.

💬 Homework 1
Don't forget quantifiers are your good friend while talking about diets.
Click the picture below and finish the Quizizz exercise
[Game code:081325]

💬 Homework 2
Watch the video below and some questions in this link!

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